Local Issues

Anti Social Behaviour

I have written to the Garda Commissioner to highlight the issue of Anti-Social behaviour in the park at Rivervalley View. I will print the reply when I receive  it: Dear Commissioner My name is Joe Newman and I was elected to Fingal County Council last May as an Independent Councillor.   I am writing to you

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Knocksedan Bus Issue

Question: Councillor J. Newman: “To ask the Chief Executive if he will make representation to Bus Eireann to endeavour to have a bus service provided to the Knocksedan Estate for schoolchildren. Would he also contact Dublin Bus to ask that they provide the necessary resources to provide a service to the same estate?” Reply: The

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Wheelchair Accessability

Question put to the Chief Executitive Officer regards whelchair ramps at road crossings: “To ask the Chief Executive what provision will be set aside in 2015 to install and improve crossing points in the Swords Ward to facilitate wheelchair users and will he consider compiling and issuing a list of the proposed works?” Reply: A list

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Forest Road Issue

The following is a question I put to the Chief Executitive Officer regards the widening of the footpath at Forest Road. Swords Question: Councillor J. Newman “To ask the Chief Executive to report on what plans if any are being considered to improve a dangerous section of footpath between the Rivervalley and Boroimhe entrance, the footpath

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Water Charges Protest

I recently attended the water protest march in Swords. there was a huge turnout and the march went of peacefully as it should. We met in Rivervalley at the Shopping Centre and marched to the Pavillions Roundabout. We then proceeded to the County Offices where a number of speakers address the gathering. When on the election campaign

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