Local Issues

Graffiti Removal

I put forward a motion to try and get some form of commitment from the council for regular removal of graffiti. BALBRIGGAN/SWORDS AREA COMMITTEE MEETING [Services A – Operational Matters] Thursday, 14th April, 2016 ITEM NO. 91 Graffiti Motion: Councillor J. Newman: “That this Council introduce meaningful measures to employ or engage personnel to tackle […]

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Request for Signal Lights at Pedestrian Crossing in Swords Village

I recently made representation to have signal lights installed at the pedestrian crossing at the Star Pub in Swords: COMHAIRLE CONTAE FHINE GALL FINGAL COUNTY COUNCIL BALBRIGGAN/SWORDS AREA COMMITTEE MEETING [Services A – Operational Matters] Thursday, 14th April 2016 ITEM NO.  65 Pedestrian Crossing Swords Village Question:  Councillor J. Newman “To ask the Chief Executive

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Road Hazard at Montgorry

Local councillor, Joe Newman (NP) has major concerns for the safety of residents living adjacent to a stretch of the Swords to Malahide Road at Montgorry, where traffic volumes have increased significantly in recent times. The hazardous area is directly opposite the entrance to Seamount View estate and the building of new houses is ongoing.
Newman put in a motion to the County Council calling for the installation of traffic lights at this location, which he feels will have the dual purpose of slowing traffic down and allowing residents to access the main road, from both Seamount View and Montgorry. He is also calling for a proper and permanent footpath to be built as soon as possible, before the development of five new houses here goes ahead. He is calling for this to be a condition for the builder to put the footpath in place. “This is an extremely busy road and we need to look at how we can slow the traffic down for the safety of all. This is a major hazard that needs to be addressed as soon as possible,” said Newman.
The County Leader spoke to Cllr Newman and one of the residents of Montgorry, Jill Rousseau, who feels the situation is very hazardous for her husband and three children aged nine, seven and six.
Jill said, “The children have a very small verge to walk on from the end of Milesian estate at the pedestrian lights to our house. This narrow pathway is made of clay and becomes mucky in wet weather. I have told them to press the pedestrian lights, even though they’re not crossing the road, simply to slow the traffic down, so that they can reach the entrance to our home in safety. This has caused motorists to shout at the children, because they did not cross the road. They are using the lights as a safety precaution for themselves,” she said.
“I’m upset and terrified everyday about the safety of my children and I c

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