Following a visit to the NTA and DublinĀ Bus-Connect consultation in Swords some months backĀ and after receiving many representations i made a submission to the NTA highlighting problems with the Bus Connect proposal.
I also put forward a motion at the local area meeting on the 8-11-2018 to request the council to engage with the NTA to consider putting a multi Modal Hub In Swords. I believe we need a Hub that will service the public and allow for a more efficient transfer to different modes of transport. the Hub Should be situated close to Swords Village ( not on Main Street) and encompass a Metro stop. The Hub should have facilities to encourage cycling while making it easier for pedestrians to commute,
I hope my Motion will excercise the minds of the officials in the transportation department and hopefully we will end up with a modern transport network that facilities the efficient movement of people while encouraging greater use of sustainable modes of transport..
t the Chief Executive set in motion an assessment of the Bus-Connect
and Metro proposal submitted by the NTA for Swords and surrounding
This assessment should investigate the viability of implementing an
Integrated Multi-Modal Hub close to Swords Village in order to streamline
and improve the existing transport proposals put forward by the NTA.
Reasons: The proposals put forward by the NTA regards the Bus-Connect
system are sketchy and flawed as has been highlighted by many
commuters and organisations recently.
Fingal County Council has been in ongoing consultation with the National
Transport Authority regarding the BusConnects and MetroLink proposals. The
question of interchange facilities at Swords has been previously raised with the
NTA and we expect further consultation on this as the proposals develop.
We understand that the BusConnects infrastructure proposals are due to be
consulted on in the next couple of months. Fingal County Council also regularly
meets with NTA and TII regarding MetroLink and a preferred route is expected in
early 2019. Both projects are still evolving and as such, are subject to change.
Fingal County Council is cognisant of the need for a comprehensive transport
strategy for Swords to enable growth and to address existing constraints in
transport capacity. In this regard, the South Fingal Transport Study has been
undertaken to inform the basis of this strategy and will be developed to fully align
with the NTA and other relevant transport proposals.