I have put a motion forward to the Chief Executive to consider evaluating the southern end of Swords with regard to its future development. I hope to have this motion heard at the next local area committee meeting, this meeting will take place in May.
(Services B – Strategic & General Matters)
THURSDAY 14th MAY 2015
Councillor J. Newman – Development of the southern end of Swords
“That the Chief Executive provide a report on what plans if any are in
place for the proper development of the southern end of Swords from the
police station to Pinnock Hill Roundabout. This section of the village
seems to be developing in a piecemeal way. It is important to Swords
residents that they have a town/village that they can be proud of as well
as providing a pleasing street-scape with well planned and good design of
buildings coupled with adequate parking and transport facilities.”
Planning Policy for Swords is clearly articulated in the Fingal County Development
Plan 2011 – 2015.The core development strategy for Swords is to develop Swords in
the long term in accordance with the provisions of the document ‘Your Swords, An
Emerging City, Strategic Vision 2035’.These provisions are integrated into the FCDP
2011 – 2017.
In relation to the Swords town centre area (North Street to Main Street to Dublin
Road), the principal FCDP 2011 – 2017 objective is to ‘Promote the development of
lands within Swords Town Centre in accordance with the principles and guidance laid
down in the 2009 document Swords Master Plan 2009’.
The Swords Master Plan (January 2009) is a guidance document for development
within Swords town centre. It sets out principles and guidance for new development
within the different character areas.
The MP states the key architectural features within the existing built environment
[including the historic town core] which need to be considered in any development
proposals. Urban design guidelines are given for the different parts of the Town
Centre including Main Street and North Street.
In addition, the Master Plan identifies a number of opportunity sites adjoining the
Main Street and includes indicative site development briefs for these sites to guide
their future development. Other key sites are earmarked as potential redevelopment
Other relevant FCDP 2011 – 2015 objectives relating to the Town centre are as
Objective SWORDS 8
Retain the Main Street as the core of the town centre, protect and enhance its
character and ensure that any future new commercial and retail development
reinforces its role as the core area of the town centre, by promoting the development
of active ground floor uses and limiting the expansion of certain non-retail and
inactive street frontages including financial institutions, betting offices, public houses
and take aways/fast food outlets.
Objective SWORDS 15
Promote and enhance the identity of the town centre through the identification of a
Civic Quarter (at the junction of Main Street/North Street) and Cultural Quarter
(located along Dublin Street, linked into the Pavilions Development Area and Ward
River Valley Park). These two key activity nodes/focal public spaces will build on the
existing character areas within the Town Centre and link existing retail/commercial
The need for improvements to the public realm, maintaining and expanding the retail
offer and reducing number of vacant properties on Dublin Street and Main Street,
Swords is recognised by Council.
€3m has been set aside in the 2015 budget to undertake appropriate civic and public
realm works to Swords Castle Area. The Council has engaged consultants to prepare a
Swords Castle Architectural Master Plan with the aim being to propose works and
measures which will over time regenerate Swords Castle and its environs. The study
area for this project included the northern part of Main Street, the southern end of
North Street, east end of Bridge street and west ends of Chapel Lane and Seatown
The Council has no immediate proposals in 2015 for civic works at the area identified
in the Motion.