I recently met with the operations department of the Council and I brought up a number of issues that I encountered when out canvassing.
The following is a report on the outcome of this meeting.
Their were two senior executitive and myself at the meeting and we discussed the following:
1. Traffic problem at Church Road
Meeting to be arranged with traffic department with a view to meet on site
2. Castleview – requirement for footpath
Meeting proposed with Residents Association – noted also as Motion on Area Committee Meeting (ACM)
3. Ridgewood: construction traffic problems.
Headed Item on ACM also meeting arranged with residents on 15th July
4. Parking problem at Pitches iidgewood
Provision to extend within Sports Grounds. Additional parking can only be considered when funding can be identified which is currently unavailable
5. Grass cutting in Rivervalley: the issue of leaving grass cuttings on the footpath and cycle lanes was discussed.
Every effort is made to ensure that mown grass does not end up on adjoining footpaths after open spaces are cut. It is primarily a problem during the spring growth surge when increased grass growth rates mean that the grass on open spaces can be quite long when receiving the first and second cut of the year. At these times Operations staff with leaf blowing equipment routinely follow grass cutting routes and blow the grass back onto the open space to ensure that slip hazards are not created on footpaths next to open spaces.
6. Tarmac-ing of road along Rivervalley Road (to reduce noise) and upgrade the broken surface
This Has been referred to the Senior Engineer for assessment and consideration
7. All Weather Pitch Rivervalley – lighting
There is an agreement with our Public Lighting Section to provide lighting here and this will be in place before the autumn and the dark nights.
8. Knocksedan – footpaths/bus request
Representations have previously been made to the Operations Department in relation to the provision of a footpath to Knocksedan however, there is currently no source of funding identifiable for this proposal. This would not be a matter for Operations ultimately but rather for Planning & Strategic.
We have also previously engaged in discussions with Dublin Bus in relation to this they have are not considering the possibility of extending the bus service to serve Knocksedan.
9. Maintenance/traffic calming within Rivervalley
Area to be assessed by Traffic Engineer and who will liaise with Dublin Bus on any issues
10. Pedestrian crossing at community centre at entrance to park on Rivervalley Road
Discussed with Traffic Engineer who has reported that the traffic cushions here should cause the traffic to slow but it is acknowledged that people are crossing at this uncontrolled point. There is a controlled pedestrian crossing point very close to this corner which can be used also. It is not considered as a suitable location to put in a controlled crossing especially given proximity of existing one.
11. Assessment of Rivervalley for wheelchair users
Has been referred to the Senior Engineer for maintenance for assessment and consideration
12. Parking at Foxwood: people from ouside Foxwood are parking their cars in the Estate and going to work in Swords and other areas.
The lining has been upgraded at the entrance and on the first bend where it was felt that it was dangerous for vehicles to park.
As discussed at meeting the issue of Pay & Display has been discussed previously with residents who did not support the proposal.
13. Parking at Cherry Park:
A couple of residents have complained about people parking their cars in the estate and going to work.
Location has been examined by the Traffic Engineer who has reported that there are no visibility issues at this location. The installation of double yellow lines will affect all residents and can only be installed with the agreement of An Garda Siochana
14. Doggie Bins – Rivervalley Park
Under the Council’s Litter Management Plan 2013-2015 one of the key objectives is to prioritise replacement of damaged litter bins or those no longer fit for purpose. Dog litter can be placed in any bin and litter bins are located at the entrances/exits of the park. It is not proposed to place any litter bins within the park itself.
Please see link to http://fingalcoco.ie/environment/rubbish-and-recycling/litter/
15. Footpath request from residents; – Boroimhe to Cherry Ave (across open space)
The Exec. Parks Superintendent has examined ground conditions and has reported that there doesn’t appear to be a major usage pattern or desire line through the grass. There are no proposals to put a path through the open space given that there already exists a safe alternative around it which isn’t significantly longer.
16. Rivervalley – removal and replacement
See link to Council Tree Policy http://www.fingalcoco.ie/media/The%20Forest%20of%20Fingal%20a%20Tree%20Strategy%20for%20Fingal.pdf
The parks superintendent has confirmed that there has been engagement with Residents Association on removal of trees which will continue.
17. Footpath at Bridge Street – water lodging
This area is monitored by crews and cleaned out when the holes that were put into the bridge to help alleviate the water lodging issue get clogged.
18. Graffiti Issues – Swords Castle
Has been referred for removal as soon as resources allow
19. Widening of Forest Road (Rivervalley to Boroimhe lights)
This is ultimately a Planning & Strategic matter and can only be done in line with future development of the area.
As advised by Martin contact should be made with Planning (Rachel Kenny) and to also view the Traffic Plan for the area.
20. Traffic lights at St. Cronan’s (pedestrian crossing)
An application will be made to NTA by the Traffic Engineer for funding for pedestrian/traffic lights at this location in 2015.
21. Yellow box at St. Cronan’s estate
As discussed at the meeting the provision of a yellow box is not considered appropriate within a housing development.
22. Renewal of Lining at Daleview Road
This will be assessed for renewal and as required will be re-lined when a contractor is engaged in the area
23. Pedestrian crossing at Newcourt (R132)
Discussed with Traffic Engineer who has confirmed that a pedestrian crossing across a dual carriageway is not considered feasible.
24. Pinnock Hill roundabout – this is a dangerous junction with no crossing for pedestrians.
Discussed with Traffic Engineer who has reported that there will be a review of this location and environs as part of Bus Rapid Transit Scheme (BRT) for Swords
Watch Council Meetings a t http://www.fingalcoco.public-i.tv/